Introverted Mom by Jamie C. Martin (review)
Every once in a while you read a book that changes the entire way you think. For me, Introverted Mom was one of those books.
As an introvert I always thought of myself as a little broken, or less than the ideal. Even in the church, extroverts are often touted as the “true Christian.” You have to be a bold, outspoken witness, ready to minister to one and all at the drop of the hat— and if you aren’t, then you aren’t a very good Christian. I’ve lived with that shame for a long time. But this book really opened my eyes. I learned why I am the way I am, and that it isn’t a bad thing at all— just different. I’m not a poor Christian because I’m more reserved— I’m an asset to the church because I’m relational. I am not less than— because Christ makes me enough. What a relief!
On top of that, I loved getting to explore the introverted lives of four authors that are dear to me: Laura Ingalls Wilder, Jane Austen, L. M. Montgomery, and Louisa May Alcott. I loved looking at their beautiful words, and gleaning from their writings through a Biblical lens.
So, if you are an introvert, and if you’re a mom, read this book! It might just change your life!
5 ⭐️